Knit City / floor plan & Kick off Party!

Image courtesy of Knit Social Event Co.

Knit Social has just released the floor plan for Knit City, Vancouver's first full blown fibre festival. My booth is # 27! I'll have all of my samples and printed patterns with me. I'm also working very long days in hopes of being able to reveal my latest work to you (fingers crossed!) at the event. October 13th & 14th is only one month from now so don't forget to mark your calendars, get a sitter, plan a road trip, gather up your girl friends and come make this an event to remember!

Image courtesy of Knit Social Event Co.

And don't forget, there is a Kick Off Party on Friday at the Croatian Cultural Centre from 7pm-11pm. This is a great chance to mingle with Knit City vendors before the weekend market opens, Kim Werker and Sylvia Olsen will be speaking, there will even be a cash bar available. Tickets are $25 and include a weekend pass to the Knit City marketplace!

Read about Knit Social and the story behind this amazing partnership in Interweave's holiday issue! Amanda and Fiona are such an inspiration, this event is sure to be incredible!

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