| Gemini

I am really excited and honoured that my Gemini top is part of the Spring + Summer issue of Knitty.

I don't normally design for spring and summer so when the idea for this top came to me I knew I wanted to submit it. The insane thing was, at the time, there were only 3 short weeks until the submission deadline! I was bound and determine to get my submission in. I have never done so much non-stop knitting in my life but the hand cramps and muscle aches paid off because I finished just under the wire.

The photos were taken the day before the submission deadline and I am so thankful it wasn't pouring rain, as it normally does in the middle of winter here on Vancouver Island. My awesome sister ran all over town with me to take the photographs, we were chasing the sun as it was late afternoon and time was running out. Our final shoot was at the beach along Dallas Road, onlookers must have thought we were crazy! We would run from one spot to the next, literally run, like crazy people. At each location on the beach I would take a test shot of B, if I liked the light and location I would tear off my coat and huge scarf and start posing in my tee shirt... I even took my shoes off and walked in the surf... yup, we definitely looked crazy!

I'm really glad I was able to pull it off and I am excited that after all of the madness it was accepted.

Thank you B for taking the pictures on that crazy cold day, Shannon for the name, and Knitty for the awesome opportunity!

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1 comment

  • I have a question about the Gemini sweater- are the front and back the same size, so that you can wear reverse with the lacing? I’m guessing that’s what the pictures portray
    Jane Richmond replied:
    Hi Lisa! That is correct, the back and front are the same and meant to be
    interchangeable so that you can wear the lace yoke to the front or the

    Lisa stelacone

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