Random Pic of the Day / Bathtime for Manni

I think the main reason I have trouble blogging regularly is because I put so much pressure on myself when I write, it just has to be perfect...

I tend to forget that the blog began because I finally purchased a digital SLR and my habit of snapping a ton of photos at random multiplied considerably... I really needed something to do with them and a blog seemed to give them purpose.

In order to stay true to my original intentions I believe a random photo in lieu of a post is better than no post at all...

Jane Richmond Blog - random pic of the day

This is Manni. My daughter takes him everywhere... they eat together, sleep together, drink milk together. She likes to bite on his nose when she is nervous or excited, that's when I tell her "No biting Elsie, just kisses". The only time he leaves her side is when he's taking a bath.

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