Starting Early

Jane Richmond Blog - starting seeds early

One of the most exciting things about our new place is the garden. Not only does our new yard have two apple trees, one pear tree, and three fig trees, it also has a vegetable plot. It's nothing close to the 11 raised beds we built in Parksville, but it's an urban garden and we will make the absolute best of the space we have available.

Jane Richmond Blog - starting seeds early

Chris and I have yet to sit down and make a plant list and I'm already thinking about the tomatoes I will grow. I always start my tomatoes from seed, this year will be no different. I'm tired of feeling defeated by the sight of monstrous tomato plants at nurseries in late April when the ones on my window sill still look spindly and small. I've decided to experiment by starting a few plants early this year to see if it makes a difference at all.

I know it's ridiculously early and I'm sure it won't give me a leg up in the end but I'm just dying to start my garden and watching tomato seeds ferment at my kitchen window is about the best I can do.

Jane Richmond Blog - starting seeds early

Is anyone else planning a vegetable garden this year? Or maybe just potted tomatoes on the patio? Are you itching to dig in the dirt?

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