Knit Along / TFA Arika Cowl KAL!

In less than a week, my talented friend Tanis will be updating her Etsy shop with a heap of her stunning Grey Label yarn. As if the update alone weren't exciting enough, Tanis has decided to host an Arika Cowl knit along to pair with her lovely chunky base!

I don't really need an excuse to knit another Arika (I've knit 4 so far!) and I'm dying to knit with Tanis' Grey Label! The hardest decision has been deciding what TFA colourway to use! I'm pretty partial to this cowl in a neutral, for me it's the most wearable but also the simplicity of the pattern paired with a natural colour really let's the yarn shine. On the flip side, Tanis has some incredibly unique tonals and multi coloured yarns that are a perfect match for this pattern. This version of Arika in the Tartan colourway just blows my mind!

{ Slate }

{ Sand }

{ Iris }

{ Tartan }

Want to join in? Here are the details!

CAST ON -- Tuesday, March 1st at 12:01 am (in whatever timezone you live in).
CAST OFF -- Tuesday, March 15th at 11:59 pm (your timezone).
WHERE -- Join in over in the official KAL thread on Ravelry.

The rules are simple, knit an Arika Cowl in TFA Grey Label anytime between the start and finish line and you could win goodies from both Tanis and I!!! Tag your projects TFAARIKAKAL on Ravelry and other social media sites to be entered to win!

This cowl can be completed in just a few nights and is a super quick (and fun!) knit! If you've already knit one, take this opportunity to knit another in Tanis' squishy Grey Label! And if that's not tempting enough, I'm offering a coupon code to make it even easier to join in!

Use code TFAARIKAKAL on Ravelry to receive 20% off the Arika Cowl starting Wednesday, February 17th to March 15th.

To grab your special skeins of TFA, mark your calendars for Wednesday, Feb. 17th. The update happens at 12 pm (noon) EST and will feature loads of Grey Label and a few other bases in small quantities as well. You can find the shop here.

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