Classic Raglan KAL / Week 3

You may recall that last Friday I was on the last repeat of hip shaping. After that I did have a slight fall back, I tried the pullover on and realized that the hip shaping was a little high on me. My last Classic Raglan was a 34 but since I would like a fitted sweater for Spring I am knitting a 32. What hadn't occurred to me was to follow the lengthwise measurements of the larger size, especially since I am long in the body. I ripped back at Knit Night which was painful (and painful to watch I'm sure, I wore my sad face the whole time), but it didn't take long to recover the lost stitches and once again feel ahead of the game.

I am currently half way through sleeve number one. I knit the collar on when I was halfway through the body, I always do this, it's easier to assess how well the garment is fitting this way, it sort of pulls everything together.

I'm loving the way the entire sweater is fitting, I can't wait to wear it when it's finished, it's going to be a wardrobe staple.

How is your Classic Raglan coming along?

Hop on over to the Canadian Living craft blog and check in!
We're also talking about it in our Ravelry group.

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