JOURNEY / Now Available for Pre-Order!!!


Today's the day!!! After pre-releasing the book at Knit City last weekend I am so excited to announce that JOURNEY is now available for pre-order!!!

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A collaboration of hand knits from designers Jane Richmond and Shannon Cook inspired by the journey of self-discovery, independence and the path back to yourself. This gorgeous collection of garment and accessory patterns forms a special book filled with beautiful photography by Nicholas Kupiak - let the pages take you away on your own JOURNEY.

When you pre-order a hard copy of the book you will receive the eBook immediately!

Hard copy + eBook only $26.95
The book is available for pre-order Nov 4th - 17th, books will ship December 6th. 

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If you purchased a hard copy of JOURNEY at Knit City last weekend you should have a coupon code in the back of your book to redeem a free copy of the eBook. This coupon code will be activated AFTER the pre-order has ended.

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