Mellow Yellow

I've been working on a new design using a mellow shade of yellow. One of my favorite Classic Wool colours was Old Gold. The Minimalist Cardigan below is made of Patons Classic Wool in Old Gold. I believe the company has discontinued the colour and replaced it with Yellow.

Jane Richmond Blog
{Mellow Yellow}

My new design uses Patons Classic Wool Roving in the Yellow colourway. I just recently discovered this yarn and I am really enjoying it. I have two other designs on the needles using this yarn. What can I say, I love yarn so much that I normally fall head over heels when I get to work with one that is new to me.

Jane Richmond Blog
{Elsie wearing the Minimalist Cardigan}

:::Elsie also likes to romp around in my Georgia cardigan, she calls it her pretty dress.

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