Winding Swiftly
When I buy yarn I always opt out of having it wound because I never get to use it right away. I end up winding my balls by hand right before I use them. I have a ton of knitting tools, in many cases multiples, but when it comes to winding skeins I use chairs, my husbands hands, my own feet... Just the other day I had a skein of yarn layed out in a circle on the floor and I was cursing all of the tangles I was making while trying to wind my ball, it was really slowing me down and so frustrating.
I told my husband "You know what's funny? They make a tool for this."
All these years of knitting and ball winding, I've finally come to my senses... It helps that Knit Picks was blowing them out at $50 a piece!
I just wound my first ball this morning using my new swift, it went very smoothly, no tangles. I am a very happy knitter :)