Bread Bake-Off

By the title of this blog post it probably sounds like I took part in some sort of bread making competition. Not so. Recently I tried my hand at bread making and although I haven't yet made a loaf that wasn't edible I could certainly benefit from a lesson in bread making. When my friend Matt, a professional baker and author of Flour Powered, suggested a Bread Bake-Off I jumped at the chance!

We spent most of yesterday making 3 different types of bread. Two braided loaves of Challa for Easter, one loaf of Ciabatta to serve as Matt's bread for the week, and my request, a whole wheat sandwich loaf with a simple recipe.

The Challah won the beauty contest...

Jane Richmond Blog - bread bake off
{Ready to Kneed}

Jane Richmond Blog - bread bake off
{The First Rise}

Jane Richmond Blog - bread bake off
{The Second Rise}

Jane Richmond Blog - bread bake off
{Whole Wheat Loaf}

Unfortunately the whole wheat sandwich loaf didn't rise, our hunch, stale whole wheat flour, but who knows! We were pretty mad at that dough for not performing since it was the only loaf that was part of the lesson plan. I am determined to finagle one more lesson out of Matt and one more crack at the perfect, family friendly, simple loaf of sandwich bread.

...I did get to take home a loaf of the Challah and it's as delicious as it is beautiful!

Jane Richmond Blog - bread bake off

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