Digital Downloads
How is my pattern delivered?
All patterns are delivered as digital downloads. After purchase you will be redirected to a receipt page with a download button. You will also receive an email (separate from confirmation email) which will include a download link, straight to your inbox.
What if I can't find my pattern after I've downloaded it?
Patterns can be downloaded a maximum of 5 times. If you aren't able to locate the file after downloading investigate where your device typically sends downloaded files. Many computers have a default "downloads" folder.
What if I want to store my patterns in my Ravelry library?
You can chose to have a copy of the pattern(s) delivered to your Ravelry library as well as download directly from our website. Read below to find out how this works!
How does this work exactly?
It's simple. After purchase you will be redirected to a receipt page. From this page you have the ability to download the file directly to your device AND send a copy of it to your Ravelry account.
To do this simply click the "Add to Ravelry" button. You will be asked to login to your Ravelry account. Once logged in you can download the file directly to your device, save it to your Dropbox, and add it to your Ravelry library.
IMPORTANT: To store the pattern permanently in your Ravelry library you'll need to check the box to the right of the pattern that says "not in my library". When a green check mark appears in the box the text should change to "stored in my library"
I've downloaded my pattern but forgot to add it to Ravelry, what do I do now?
If you missed the Ravelry download button at checkout you can always access it later from the email that was sent to your inbox at the time of purchase. The order confirmation will have the subject line Order #_____ confirmed (try searching Jane Richmond order confirmed if you've sent the email to your archives). In this email you'll see a blue button titled View Your Order, this button will take you back to the receipt page where you have a number of options. You can Add to Ravelry (this will take you to Ravelry to add the pattern to your library there), from this window you can also chose to Download Now (this will allow you to download the pattern directly to your computer or device).
Still having trouble? Drop me a line and I'll get your pattern(s) into your Ravelry account manually.
How do I chose my size?
Patterns are written with ease built in allowing you to chose your size without having to do additional math. Sizes are listed by chest measurement (ie. a person with a body measurement of 40" around the widest part of the chest would choose a pattern size 40" to achieve recommended fit).
What is ease?
Ease is the difference between your body measurements and the finished measurements of the garment. Positive ease is when the garment's finished measurements are larger than your own body measurements and results in a looser fitting garment. Negative ease is when the garment's finished measurements are smaller than your own body measurements, resulting in a garment that is fitted. Zero ease is when the garment's finished measurements are the same as your own, this results in a close fitting garment.
Test Knitting
I rely on volunteers for test knitting and truly appreciate the time spent helping me perfect a pattern before release. I strive to keep my test groups as organized and enjoyable as possible and hope to create a fun experience for the knitters in the group. Please note that all patterns that reach the test knitting stage have been sample knit and the pattern extensively reviewed by a professional technical editor. I truly value the effort that goes into test knitting and genuinely hope that participants have a positive experience in my test knits.
How do I find out about upcoming tests?
To receive notification about upcoming tests, all you need to do is submit your email here. The mailing list is not a newsletter subscription, you will simply be receiving an email to your inbox instead when a new test knit is announced. Submitting your email will not obligate you to apply for, or participate in test knits.
Changing Currency
Now you can shop the site in different currencies to better reflect where you are shopping from.
From a desktop computer, choose your currency from the drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the screen (example image below). Once selected, the website will display listings in the currency of your choice and check-out will also be in the currency you have selected.

On your mobile device, chose your countries currency from the menu icon in the top right of the screen (example image below). Once selected, the website will display listings to reflect your choice and check-out will be in the currency you have selected.