Coming Soon / Within: Knitting Patterns to Warm the Soul

I've been especially quiet over here, but I promise it's all been with good reason! We've been working away on a top secret project and the time has finally come to share it with you! We'll let you know the details of it's release and when you can expect to see it in stores! Here is our newest collection for fall titled Within, coming soon!


"Within is the newest collection by designers Jane Richmond and Shannon Cook, featuring six signature patterns for wherever your heart takes you. Inside, you’ll find accessories, a shawl, and what may become your new favorite everyday garments. Together, the pieces in this accessible collection make a functional and beautiful addition to any knitter’s wardrobe.

More than just a pattern book, Within takes the knitter on a visual journey through a world of rustic coziness photographed on Vancouver Island, designed to stimulate the senses and kindle inspiration."


Within: Knitting Patterns to Warm the Soul will be available for purchase on October 5th! You'll be able to purchase a copy at your favourite LYS, bookstores and online on Oct 5th! Within retails for $21.95.

We've got lots of fun stuff coming your way that we can't wait to share! We'll be revealing more about each pattern in the collection and info about the book, as well as some exciting bonuses, giveaways, a knit along, blog tour and more! So get those needles and yarn ready!

Wholesale Inquiry? If you're a shop looking to carry Within you can pre-order direct from NNK Press.

A big thank you to all of you in advance for all of your love and continued support of our books! We couldn't do it without you!

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