In the Garden / Plotting

I've mentioned before that this year I am determined to be far more organized about the vegetable garden. I've made a group of spreadsheets to help me stay on top of planting times, what I'm growing, and adding notes where I'll be able to find them next year. I've mapped out my plot in order to plants the beds in a way that makes the most sense in terms of early, mid, and late season vegetables. It was a bit of a challenge and already I'm questioning some of the plans, thinking maybe the lettuce won't be ready to harvest by the time the tomatoes need use of the bed.

{ Tomatoes looking longingly out the window at their future home }

The tomatoes are definitely my pride and joy, they are the heart of the garden for me, if I could grow just one thing it would be tomatoes. I carefully selected a handful of varieties from the West Coast Seeds catalog based on their performance records within my climate, I'm hoping this makes all the difference over last year. I also collected seeds from a few of last years favorites and I am happy to say that they were viable.

Our house looks like an Italian Villa. It has this decorative wall out front, arbors everywhere, and this centerpiece in the middle of the driveway shaped like the Star of David complete with bird bath and fountain. The property is certainly unique. The Star of David looks pretty ugly in the winter but as soon as Spring arrives it jumps to life with the most colourful display of daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and more. Because we're renting and haven't been here that long, I didn't plant any of these things, everything is a surprise when it surfaces. And what's even more special, is that someone was thoughtful enough to plant things that have different bloom times so there are about 3 or 4 different displays throughout the growing season, there is never a dull moment.

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ One of my personal favorites, Sweet Woodruff }

:: I am sad to report that despite turning the soil over the entire plot and lacing all of the rows of seeds with coffee grounds, those pesky slugs mowed down every single spinach sprout! Yesterday I crushed up some egg shells I found in the compost and scattered them among the seedlings, we'll see to what effect.

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