New Feature — Multiple Currencies

One of the greatest advantages of the new website is greater flexibility. I am especially excited to roll out the newest feature — shopping in multiple currencies! Now when you shop the site you can choose from a number of different currencies to better reflect where you are shopping from.

Currency Settings / Desktop

From a desktop computer you will be prompted to select your country's local currency. Choose your currency from the drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the screen (example image below). Once selected, the website will display listings in the currency of your choice and check-out will also be in the currency you have selected.

Currency Settings / Mobile

On your mobile device you will be prompted to chose your countries currency. You can also access your currency settings from the menu icon in the top right of the screen (example image below). Once selected, the website will display listings to reflect your choice and check-out will be in the currency you have selected.



Don't see your local currency in the dropdown menu? Drop me a line and let me know! 

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