Summer Events + YOTH Pullover No. 2

My second striped pullover is coming along! I'm absolutely smitten with this colour combo that Veronika helped me put together, it's so classic and modern at the same time. I'm nearly finished the first sleeve and I know the second will fly by.



Come see us when we hit the road this summer!


July 11th /// Shannon and I are thrilled to be hitting the road in less than two weeks for our very first visit to the highly coveted, legendary yarn store, Churchmouse Yarns and Teas, on Bainbridge Island! Come and say hello, we will be visiting from 11am-3pm on Saturday, July 11th!

July 12th /// If you can't make it to Churchmouse on Saturday, we'll be revisiting one of our favourite shops, Tolt Yarn and Wool on Sunday, July 12th, from 1-3pm.

For more info on these events and more visit our events page HERE.

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