Blog Tour // Ghosts eBook by Teresa Gregorio

Today I have the great pleasure of being the next stop on Teresa Gregorio's Blog Tour for her new eBook, Ghosts: historiographies, cultural maniferstations, and the knits they've inspired.

Teresa Gregorio was one of the first designers I started following on Ravelry and her blog Canary Knits was also one of the first blogs I ever read. Her writing style is quirky and intelligent, she often makes up her own words (hilarious) and even uses footnotes in many of her posts (some informative, some totally hilarious).

Since then Teresa and I have formed a friendship online. We share gardening tips and laugh about the parallels in our highschool years. I was excited and honoured when she asked me to be a part of the tour.

Not only has Teresa put together a collection of 11 patterns, she has also done extensive research on ghosts and the cultural differences in the way we view them. Included in the book are essays stemming from this research. You can view Teresa's video sneak peek where she touches on her inspirations for the book.

Here are my absolute favorite pieces from the book...

Athenodorus was the first to catch my eye, I think its absolutely gorgeous with its huge satin ribon and simple shaping.

Galoshans is also one of my favorites. I love the shape of this piece and the combination of lace fabric, baggy fit, and shawl collar. This looks like such a comfy sweater, the kind that would be a staple in my wardrobe.

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I also really favored Progressions, a small shawl that is simple and wearable. This would get a lot of use from me, I love shawls that can be worn as scarves.

Teresa has so generously given me a copy of the eBook to giveaway! If you would like to win your very own copy of Ghosts simply leave a comment with your contact info (email or ravelry name).
I will announce the winner this Friday!

* * * This contest is now closed * * *

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