Fibres West 2011

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

Fibres West was held last weekend and you know I had to hop on the ferry and go! This was my second year attending and I had the best time!

The highlights for me were...

Meeting up with the lovely ladies from my old Langley Knit Night, I secretly went just to see them :)...

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
...but they know that. (sorry for the blurry pic!)

I made them yarn ball totes to use for their shopping...

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
{...we were the Yarn Ball Gang}

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
{Candace and her sweet felted crochet bag}

I also had the chance to meet a few blog readers and Ravelers in person. Aja had come all the way from Washington (it was so good to meet you!) and Tracy came from Bowen Island (you've certainly inspired me to try my hand at dying!).

My favorite vendors this year were...

Sweet Georgia

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

I love Sweet Georgia Yarns. Last year's event was my first introduction to Felicia's yarn which resulted in my Georgia cardigan. The colour palette she offers is perfection, even her muted colours pack a punch. What makes these colours so rich are the undertones, many of the colours have several layers to them creating these multidimensional colours that are so unique and totally irresistible.

Kattikloo Fibre Studio

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

This company was new to me, they are from Salt Spring Island and I think Fiona's husband (above) mentioned that they had moved from Quebec... I loved all of the muted colours they had on display and their merino was super squishy and soft, I really regret not buying a hank for myself.

Valley Yarn Ltd.

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

Being at a fibre festival and being able to touch and feel fibres that I've only ever heard about online like Madelinetosh and Malabrigo is such a treat. I've never worked with either and had to indulge and see what makes them so popular. Valley Yarns had all of the big names including Namaste Bags and an assortment of popular designer patterns.

Indigo Moon

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

My favorite part of Trish's booth this year was chatting with Kathy
who was hopping all over the place and helping out everywhere!
(I can't wait to see your Georgia!)

Now onto the most important topic, the shopping...

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
{Every one of us made a purchase at Sweet Georgia Yarns}

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
{Vintage Buttons at the Fibres Plus booth}

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
{The Fraser Valley Knitting Guild was even winding up peoples purchases! Yeah! ...I apologize for high jacking Holly!}

As for me...

If any of you listen to the Never Not Knitting podcast, I am like Alana when it comes to fibre festivals. I get totally overwhelmed by all of the fibre-y goodness. This sometimes leads to poor choices or even no choices :)

Last year I was on my "buying a sweaters worth of yarn" kick and was also restricted by a very small budget. I drove myself crazy trying to choose the perfect yarn, and in the end, the yarn I decided on had sold out before I got around to buying it!

This year I tried a different approach, I decided that I would sample the yarns that appealed to me by purchasing only one skein each. This really took the pressure off and allowed me to make better choices. Last year my indecision resulted in shipping costs and zero instant gratification. Changing my buying habits means I can try out all of the yarns that inspire me and order only what I need once I have swatched, calculated, and drafted a pattern.

Allowing myself to buy yarns simply because I liked them was such a joy! Maybe you already allow yourself to shop this way but for someone like me who is always calculating what the yarn will become this was like growing wings!

I bet you would like to see what's in my bag...

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
drumroll please...

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
by Sweet Georgia Yarns
- saffron -

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
by Sweet Georgia Yarns
- goldmine -

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
by Sweet Georgia Yarns
- tumbled stone -

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
by Madelinetosh
- chambray -

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
by Malabrigo
- glazed carrot -

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
by Madelinetosh
- sequoia -

All in all, this was an awesome event and I encourage you to go next year!

Jane Richmond Blog - Fibres West 2011
{...there was even a yarn bomb at the entrance!}

::: What about you? Did you attend? What fibre-y goodness did you go home with???

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