In the Garden / August 2011

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ Green Bush Beans / Venture Blue Lake from West Coast Seeds }
~ sown outdoors may 23rd ~

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ Corn purchased from Cannor Nurseries }
~ planted outdoors june 8th ~

I planted this corn to border a little brick pathway I made for Elsie. Now the plants are taller than she is. It's definitely the effect I was going for but Elsie doesn't much care for the soft green leaves tickling her arms as she walks through.
Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ English Cucumber / Tasty Green from West Coast Seeds }
~ sown outdoors may 23rd ~

This might be my favorite time of year in the vegetable garden. It's a bit magical when the heat loving, slow but steady veggies you carefully planted in May become ready for harvest.

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ Green Zucchini / Ambassador from West Coast Seeds }
~ sown outdoors may 23rd ~

Tomatoes are the reason I bother with a vegetable garden, they are so worthwhile. I am very particular when choosing which varities to grow in the garden. This year I made a tomato wish list which we fulfilled entirely (poor Chris, he was so patient as I sifted through rack upon rack at Cannor's ...I needed at least one of each "type" on the list!)

Here are the types from my list...

Now that the tomatoes are finally turning (ours are late due to our cool spring) it is really exciting to see the different varieties show their true colours...

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ Tomato - Tumbling Tom Yellow plant purchased from Cannor Nurseries }
~ planted outdoors may 22 ~

I picked up this little guy during our trip to Salt Spring Island for my birthday this year, I love plants that have a story...

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ Tomato - OSU Blue plant purchased from Chorus Frog Farm }
~ planted outdoors june 8th ~

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden
{ Cherry Tomato - Sweet Million plant purchased from Cannor Nurseries }
~ planted outdoors may 22 ~

Jane Richmond Blog - in the garden

...and can you believe our strawberries have produced fruit all summer long.

:: I hope you are enjoying the dog days of summer and beating the heat as best you can during these hot August days!

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