IN THE GARDEN / Dreaming of Agave and Pink Blueberries

It's finally beginning to feel like spring here in Victoria and I'm getting really excited about the growing season! I purchased my first grow light this winter and have been doing a lot of seed starting indoors — if you follow me on Instagram you may have seen some of the things I've started. But for now I've got a throw back to last summer to share!

I was organizing the files on my computer when I stumbled on these photos from last July that never got posted — better late than never I always say! I love having a place to share what I'm growing — I enjoy going back to the archives, it's like having a gardening journal. It's often a great reference for me from year to year!

These photos were taken July 27th of last year. I really struggle to take pictures in our new garden, it's been in desperate need of an overhaul and hasn't been very photo worthy. We worked our bums off one warm weekend in early March and it's looking so much better. It's a small space that doesn't have a lot of great angles (no matter which way you shoot it, chain link fence is not pretty) but I'm going to try my best to take more photos of what's growing this year and share them with you! ...and if you're a knitter who doesn't like to garden and dreads these posts I promise I have a post planned with a handful of new projects I just finished photographing — stay tuned!

{ pink lemonade blueberry }

This guy didn't fruit for me at all in our old shade garden, I was thrilled to see it full of berries last summer for the first time!

Most of my succulents have stories — these little guys were collected from a deserted island that we kayaked to for an overnight adventure! They make me smile every time I look at them.

{ agave }

{ cherry tomatoes — I wish I could tell you which kind, my hunch is sweet million }

I hope these pics from our summer garden warmed your day just a little! I also like to host a fun spring sale to celebrate my favorite time of year so stay tuned for that coming up!!

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