Luvinthemommyhood: Guest Post for the Carefree Cowl Knit Along

My good friend Shannon is hosting a Carefree Cowl Knit Along over on her blog. Cowls are so much fun to knit and wear, I think this is such a great way to kick off the knitting season! ...If you haven't already joined HERE is a link to the sign up sheet!

Today, in my guest post, I have contributed a video tutorial on how to do a very special knot. It is the only knot I ever use to join yarns and believe me when I say, this knot is a bit magical. It is nearly invisible, super easy, and leaves no ends to be woven in! So hop on over to luvinthemommyhood and learn a new knitting trick!

...this video tutorial will be added to the Tutorials library here on the blog sometime tomorrow.

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