Off My Needles / Outline Tank

I needed a travel project last summer and chose the Outline Tank by Jessie Maed Designs. After scrolling through projects I was completely inspired by this oversized version by aro.knits.n.purls and this lengthened version by rachelknitsthings. While yarn shopping I kept these two projects in mind and landed on some heavenly Tynn Line; a cotton, viscose, linen blend from Sandnes Garn. The Beehive Wool Shop had a sample made from the yarn and the drape and feel of the fabric was so incredible, I had to have it! In addition to the yarn, I also treated myself to this project bag from Sugar and Candy that has been the most ideal travel size bag in my collection.
I wanted my tank to have good drape and positive ease. My yarn + needle combination didn’t quite get me the recommended gauge but the fabric they made was perfect. I cast on a size medium using 3.75mm and 4mm needles. However I completely overestimated the amount of ease I needed and 8 inches in I realized the garment was going to be way too big on me. I decided to start over. For my second attempt I cast-on the size small, this time using 3.5mm and 3.75mm needles. The fit was noticeably better.

I made the straps a little longer but still within the parameters the designer suggested. I loved the way it looked with longer straps but didn't feel entirely comfortable wearing it with such a deep neckline.

Instead of fixing the straps immediately, I sighed, and tucked the project away to hibernate for over a year!!! A few weeks ago I pulled it out of my mending basket and got to work shortening the straps. In the end it was such an easy thing and took no time at all, I don't know why I procrastinated so long.

[ shortened straps ]
Overall this was the perfect project. It satisfied my love of the process with dreamy yarn, a clear and straight forward pattern, and was an incredibly enjoyable design to knit. I love the result and am so excited to wear this. I can't recommend the yarn or pattern enough! Full project details on my project page here.