On and Off the Needles...

Jane Richmond Blog

An "On the Needles" post is long overdue, the trouble is I've had a ton of secret knitting on my needles and haven't been able to share.

In my down time, instead of casting on something new, I have chosen to raid my Work-In-Progress stash. See all those bags to the left? Each one contains a project that has yet to be completed. These projects range from elaborate swatches to almost finished garments... The top row is for projects that are in long-term hibernation, the lower level (brown bags) are more recent projects, shelved because they are lower in priority than deadline knitting.

And for the record, as sad as this may seem, that one shelf + that box of odds and ends = my entire yarn stash.

Here is what I've dug up...

These kids mitts are a brown bag project although they were clearly misfiled because they have been years in the making. I've found very little standard sizing information for hands (especially children's) and so each size is a result of Elsie's need for a new pair of mittens as she grows. I really like the pattern, it's quick and easy to follow. I really should get around to releasing it, I just need to knock a few other priority knits off the list first :)

Jane Richmond Blog


Jane Richmond Blog

This top shelf project has been in the works since Victoria Fibre Fest 2009. This is when I discovered local indie dyer Indigo Moon. Trish was offering a free skein with every 4 purchased, and since I had my eye on a silk/wool blend the savings were too huge to pass up! To date, this is the most I've ever spent on a sweaters worth of yarn.

The yarn is Silken Pleasures in Teal. It's really luxurious yet hard wearing and the colour has that special quality similar to blue jeans, it's almost like a neutral the way it goes with everything. It was a challenge to design with because the silk made the yarn look a bit krimpy. I decided on the trinity stitch and because this stitch is a little more difficult than some of my other favorites, I decided to use alternative construction methods to make this design more enjoyable to knit. This lead to many, many different prototypes, a ton of knitting and ripping, and massive amounts of pattern writing and rewriting.

The funny thing is, it's taken me so long to wrap up this project that to my knowledge, this particular yarn is no longer available. Which means I will have to find a substitute, ironic seeing as the entire concept was to design around this gorgeous yarn. I don't see this project wrapping up any time soon.

This is SweetGeorgia Yarns Superwash Worsted in Tumbled Stone. Felicia does carry a silk/wool blend as well, I just don't have any in my stash that I can swatch with.

Of course I had to swatch in Cascade 220... force of habit I guess.

And lastly, my Saltwater Rae and I have finally made ammends, it's well on it's way to completion. It's actually been a perfect in-between project that I can pick up any old time and bring with me anywhere... it's the most relaxing project I have on my needles, and I'm thankful for that.

What's on your needles?

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