Tops, Tanks, and Tees KAL / Week 1

It's been one week since the official cast on for luvinthemommyhood's Tops, Tanks, and Tees Knit Along and I couldn't be happier with my progress! My needles have been on fire and I've burned through the yoke and a huge chunk of the body on my Gemini Tee.

I've made one minor modification to this top. I wanted to knit 3/4 length sleeves which requires the sleeves to be more fitted. Making this change was simple. I followed the pattern exactly as written, but stopped increasing between my sleeve markers when I reached 60 stitches.

If you would like to make a Gemini with fitted sleeves here are some handy sleeve stitch counts to follow:

56 (60, 66, 74, 80, 88, 94) sleeve sts

. . .

Are you participating in the TTT KAL? How are you making out so far?

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