Winston Pullover KAL / 2020

Winston Pullover KAL with Jane Richmond

Heya! Wanna knit a Winston Pullover with me?

Last year's Winston KAL was so much fun! The Winston Pullover is one of those patterns that leads your mind to wandering off about what other versions you might cast on next. During the last KAL I did just that and cast-on a seed stitch version. And predictably so, while knitting my Seedy Winston, I started daydreaming of a turtle neck stockinette version. A few months ago I grabbed some stash yarn and cast on! 


Winston Pullover knit-along with Jane Richmond


I posted about my new Winston on social media and asked if anyone wanted to join me in a knit-along. A bunch of you raised your hands (which I was so excited about!). Let's do it!!


Winston Pullover KAL

In the spirit of keeping things light and fun there will be no official cast-on/off dates or deadlines—we'll be knitting for the joy of knitting! Previously cast-on projects are welcome so bring your works in progress, modified versions, etc to the knit-along. 

- Need the pattern? Here is a link to the Winston Pullover (use code "winstonKAL" and receive 25% OFF! Offer valid thru end of August).
- Browse other Winston Pullovers and tag your own with #WINSTONPullover on social media
- Use the hashtag #winstonKAL to share your KAL project with others knitting along!
- I've created a thread on Ravelry for the knit-along but participate however you feel most comfortable (we'll be chatting on Instagram, Facebook, Ravelry). I can't wait to see your Winston!

- Want to knit a seed stitch version? Check out my notes from last year's KAL here. I'll also be sharing notes for this year's turtle neck version during this KAL so stay tuned!
- There are so many incredible versions of this sweater, browse projects from other knitters on Ravelry or Instagram before you begin!
- Check out the amazing projects to come out of last year's KAL here

 For a complete list of Winston Pullover KAL 2020 posts visit the knit-along page HERE


If you're currently knitting a Winston, or thinking of casting on, I do hope you'll join me for this fun little knit-along!

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  • Linda — I’m so happy that this KAL will give you the excuse you need to cast on finally! I always find knitting along together motivates me so much more than knitting alone—it’s definitely more fun!!

  • Tealia — I’m so excited you’re joining in!! I cannot wait to see what yarn you decide to use for your Winston!

  • So excited! Just got the pattern and heading out for yarn today! Love your patterns!!! I will head over to the Ravelry Thread and check in there also!

  • I’d love to join you. I bought the yarn for it but life got in the way. Can’t wait to start.

    Linda Weismiller

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