Yoke Knitting + Vancouver Visit

West Coast Cardigan by janerichmond.com

I was really hoping to cast-on my WCCKAL project on our official cast-on date (Jan 10) but discovered a few more sweater sections that needed to be swatched out first. One being the thunderbird placement on the front. I really wanted to use the same motif on the front and back. Unfortunately this meant that the motif would be split in half by the cardigan opening and I wanted to make sure it looked alright before knitting half the sweater. After the swatches were knit and wet blocked I added the crochet border and joined the two fronts with a zipper. I didn't like how abrupt the border looked running through the eagle so I've chosen to omit it and try my best to create clean edges so that the cardigan fronts look relatively seamless when zipped.

West Coast Cardigan by janerichmond.com

Once my charts were finalized I decided it would be easiest to work from them in sections so I chopped up each page (separating yoke from body) and taped the yoke sections together. I then photocopied the pieces to make one page. I've reserved the body sections for later.

West Coast Cardigan by janerichmond.com

I've been working rather slowly, carefully trying to keep my floats neat while getting used to working with 3 colours. Another last minute decision I made was to remove the thunderbird at the center sleeves. I've kept the banding at the top and bottom and will use my MC (Medium Brown – which looks more grey to me) for the rest of the sleeve. I'm hoping this will allow the center motifs on the body to really shine.

West Coast Cardigan by janerichmond.com

What I didn't anticipate was having to break my yarn. Well unless I wanted to carry both CCs across the sleeves of the yoke, but that created unnecessary bulk, and I knew it would bother me. So back I went, ripping out a few rows and doing a few quick calculations to guesstimate how much yarn might be needed for each section before the body is united and the sleeves are put on hold.

Visit to Wet Coast Wools
I will be hitting the road for a visit with the lovely ladies of Wet Coast Wools in Vancouver, BC. Glenda and Bernadette have invited me and my West Coast Cardigan sample for a visit, Saturday January 28th (12 - 5pm). I'll also have my current WIP for the WCCKAL! Come by and say hi, bring your WCC (or whatever else you're working on), I'd love to see you!

Are you knitting along? If so, have you chosen to use the original pattern or create your own colourwork using the blank charts?
. . .
Would you like to join in? We're chatting about the knitalong in my Ravelry group here. You can also follow the KAL by searching the hashtag #WCCKAL.

If you are thinking of casting on your own WCC, feel free to post in the knit-along thread here — even though the official deadline has passed, it's a great way to share your project with other WCC knitters.
It's also become a wealth of information. I've compiled a list of all of the WCCKAL posts. Some of them break down the more involved portions of the pattern. They're a great resource if you're looking for more in depth instruction and visual tutorials!

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