Fibrations 2012

Fibrations 2012 was held on Sunday. It happened to be my very first event as a vendor. I've been quietly prepping for it for months now not really knowing what to expect but wanting to be well prepared. I thought I had far too much stock and even brought my knitting thinking I would be bidding my time between passers by...

Boy did I ever underestimate the traffic that my booth would receive and the overwhelming response to my patterns. I ran the booth by myself and literally went non-stop from start to finish, I didn't even have enough down time to scan my surroundings let alone walk the grounds to check out the other vendors. I ran out of business cards, sold out of many designs, and was cleaned out of my free pattern handouts only hours into the event. It was overwhelming and at the same time so completely wonderful. I met so many kind and enthusiastic knitters, I was able to enjoy people trying on my samples, I had endless talks about fit and how to choose your size when embarking on a garment project. It was everything I am so passionate about and I was in heaven.

Thank you Shannon for spending endless nights chatting about booth ideas with me and for snapping some photos of my booth!!! Nook for using precious cargo space to make sure I had a table at the event, Amy for jumping in to allow me 5 minutes to eat my Quinoa Salad!!! Knotty by Nature and volunteers for organizing an amazing, inclusive, fun-tastic event. Thank you to the number of LYSes and event coordinators who stopped by the booth, your positive response to my work is hugely encouraging. And last but not least, an enormous and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who stopped by the booth to say hello, purchase a pattern, try on a sample, or simply chat about knitting. I left the orchard on cloud nine because of your overwhelming support and am doubly revved up for Knit City in October!

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