Milk + Honey and Why I ♥ Goats

Bee + Sunflower lotion bar by Milk + Honey ///

At Vogue Knitting Live Seattle, Shannon and I picked up the Almost Everything kit from Bar-Maids. I'd never used a bar lotion and since then it's been my preference over liquid lotion. Especially during the summer months when I'm in shorts everyday. I love being able to quickly rub the bar directly on my legs as I'm running out the door rather than squeezing lotion into my hands and rubbing it in.

So when I was given a chance to try Milk + Honey's lotion bar for knitters I said yes please!! I've had their Lavender scented Bee+Sunflower lotion bar on my bedside table and I am loving my nightly routine of moisturizing my hands when I crawl into bed because the lavender scent lulls me to sleep, it's such a soothing smell. And the bar is so silky smooth.

Bee + Sunflower lotion bar by Milk + Honey ///

Another thing that's really important to me is that products be all-natural. This is a change I made after little Miss E was born. All of a sudden I was thinking twice about the chemical cleaners and paraben-laden body products in my home. But I really hate to waste, so the change to all-natural (and more often homemade) had to happen gradually. As things were used up I would replace them with green products. So I love finding new all-natural products to use.

Bee + Sunflower lotion bar by Milk + Honey ///

Another reason I was drawn to Milk + Honey products is because of my love of goat products! If you follow me on Instagram or Pinterest you may have noticed I post and pin a lot of dairy-free recipes. It's not because I'm vegan or paleo but because I can't have cow's milk. The dairy products in my diet are all made of goat's milk and I get really excited when I discover new ones! I'm constantly experimenting with goat dairy in recipes so that I don't have to be deprived of yummy things like cream cheese, sour cream, and icing (...or frosting if you are from the US?).

In short, I ♥ Goats!

What about you? Do you have a favorite lotion for your knitting hands?

How about food sensitivities? Are you in the same boat as me? Do you have any goat dairy recipes or substitutions?! Wanna trade notes?

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