On My Needles / Climb Socks and Afterthought Heels

Climb Socks /// janerichmond.com

I always have a pair of socks on my needles...
That way if I'm stuck between projects, or need something portable, or want to read or watch a movie while I'm knitting—I can just grab my socks.

I'm knitting my 5th pair of Climb Socks—and my second pair using an afterthought heel. I knit my socks toe-up and I love that once I've finished the toe it's nothing but Stockinette, tube sock knitting! Perfect for distracted, mindless, take everywhere knitting!

Climb Socks /// janerichmond.com

I'm using Knit Picks Stroll Sock Yarn in a darker grey, Basalt Heather, rather than the Dove Heather used for the other 4 pairs, and I'm really pleased with how they turned out!

Climb Socks /// janerichmond.com

Also on my needles...
These fun striped socks! I'm alternating between Knit Picks Felici Bare and the sock blank that I died up eons ago during Felicia Lo's Dying to Get Some Colour workshop! I'm using the Climb pattern for these socks as well, it's my go to sock pattern :)

Climb Socks /// janerichmond.com

Climb Socks /// janerichmond.com

How do you knit your socks? Cuff down or toe up? Short row or afterthought heel? Double points or magic loop? Do you have a favorite sock pattern?

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